Source: Global Semiconductor Watch Collation


On May 15, a number of semiconductor manufacturers revealed at the 2023 collective performance presentation of semiconductor equipment, that at present, the company has sufficient orders in hand. This reflects that under the continuous promotion of the wave of localization, the recovery trend of the semiconductor equipment market has gradually highlighted.

It is reported that the manufacturers participating in the performance presentation include more than ten listed companies such as micro nano, Huaxing Yuan Chuang, Huafeng Measurement and Control, Jingsheng Shares, Nike Equipment, Chip Acer Micro assembly, covering key links such as cleaning, film deposition, and testing.

Among them, Huang Mingjiu, chairman of Nike Equipment, said that from the contract order situation in the first quarter of 2024, the market is recovering, and the semiconductor packaging equipment market has been picking up, an increase of more than 500% over the same period last year. At present, the company has sufficient orders in hand, and as of April 2024, the company has more than 200 million yuan in orders in hand, and it is growing.

According to Wang Lei, chairman of Microadmittance, as of March 31, 2024, the company had orders in hand of 8.191 billion yuan (including Demo orders), of which semiconductor orders in hand of 1.115 billion yuan. It is expected that with the gradual landing of the company's strategic layout, the process coverage of the company's products, the number of customers and the size of orders will continue to grow in 2024.

Cheng Zhuo, chairman of Chip Acer Micro equipment, pointed out that the company is currently in full production with sufficient orders in hand. Cheng Zhuo further pointed out that at present, the company's high-end PCB products have made good progress, and the future will continue to increase the market share of high-end PCB products. This year, the company will speed up the layout of carrier boards, advanced packaging, new displays, mask plate making, power discrete devices and other aspects to improve the localization rate of the industry.

For the market recovery, industry insiders said that the performance of the semiconductor equipment industry in 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 demonstrated a strong recovery and continued growth trend. The expansion of domestic fabs and the increase in the share of domestic equipment are key factors for the rise in prosperity.

 In addition, 22 fabs are under construction.

A number of listed companies released signals, semiconductor equipment industry recovery trend has emerged.