In 1954, Texas Instruments, located in north central Texas, developed the first commercially available silicon transistor.

At that time, the name of Texas Instruments was not as loud as it is today. When Gordon Dyer was going to leave Bell Labs to join Texas Instruments, his colleagues were surprised because Texas was just a place rich in oil, and Bell Labs was famous all over the world.

The rise of the American chip industry begins with the invention of transistors by Bell Labs. In fact, it is not just transistors. The technologies of crystal purification, mask, lithography and diffusion in semiconductor manufacturing are all from Bell Labs, including the first batch of talents in the chip industry.

For example, Gordon Thiel, the R&D director of Texas Instruments, Gordon Moore, the founder of Intel (the person who proposed Moore's law), and Jerry Sanders, the founder of AMD.

The subsequent rise of Japan and South Korea's Semiconductor industry, for example, is also inseparable from the technology output of the United States, such as the famous Sony. Morita Shaofu got the transistor production license from Western Electric of the United States when he founded Tokyo Communications Industry Co., Ltd., which laid a solid foundation for Sony to develop the first pocket radio later.

The rise of Samsung Semiconductor in South Korea is also inseparable from the technical support of Micron and Toshiba. Of course, the most powerful funder behind the Semiconductor industry in the United States, Japan and South Korea is the government.

In catching up with the chip industry, the domestic policy strength is not inferior to that of the United States, Japan, and South Korea. In 2014, the integrated circuit industry investment initiated by companies such as China Development Finance, China Tobacco, Yizhuang Guotou, China Mobile, and Huaxin Investment was officially established, namely the first phase of the Big Fund. Focus on investing in areas such as chip design, packaging testing, equipment, and materials.

In fact, semiconductors are an industry with extremely high research and development risks, and the risks brought by capacity construction and future technological iterations are highly uncertain. Therefore, private industrial capital rarely participates in such investments. If it is not led by state-owned enterprises, it is basically difficult for this industry to obtain money, and without money, it is difficult to attract high-quality technical talents to flow in.

The successful establishment of the big fund has led more social funds to pay attention to the Semiconductor industry, and activated the activity of the Semiconductor industry. Most of the companies invested in the first and second phases are also industries with low independent replacement rate, such as micro and medium enterprises in the equipment field, Anji in the material field, San'an in the semiconductor material field, and SMIC, Huahong, Huarun Micro in the wafer manufacturing field.

In the whole Semiconductor industry, Huawei, the chip designer, was the first to launch a 5nm Kirin chip, which was also the first in the world at that time. But because the manufacturing end of the wafer is stuck, the designed chips cannot be produced. On the manufacturing end, key technologies in the equipment and materials fields are mostly concentrated in the United States, Japan, and the Netherlands, so this is also an area that needs to be broken through in the short term.

In terms of mature process, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation has been expanding its 28 nm wafer factory, and Huahong's technology of more than 40 nm has also been relatively mature. The process within 7 nm in the high-end field is mainly limited at the equipment end, and the most critical one is ASML's EUV Stepper.

There is indeed a long way to go in the high-end manufacturing end, but some equipment and materials have also delivered good transcripts. The etching machines of Zhongwei have mastered 5-nanometer technology, and the products have entered the TSMC supply chain; Anji's polishing fluid has already occupied 30% of the domestic market share; Shanghai Silicon's 300mm silicon wafer yield has already achieved profitability

From the establishment of industrial funds to the opening of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, the essence is to solve the financing and capital withdrawal problems of this industry. The development of an industry must have a continuous flow of funds, money, and people in order to seek development.

The rise of Semiconductor industry